April 22, 2020
Since 2010 (unless otherwise noted below):
Become a Net‐negative Energy Consumer
Total energy use slightly lower, despite 15 new buildings and major additions to campus
~20% growth in campus space with almost no increase of UI’s building energy carbon footprint due to energy conservation efforts
$20 million spent on 35 building projects for energy conservation (HVAC improvements, occupancy sensor and indoor air quality controls, and LED lighting upgrades)
Green Our Energy Portfolio
40% of UI energy consumption from renewable energy sources
75% reduction in annual coal consumption
33% renewable energy in purchased fuels portfolio
50% of UI purchased power from wind energy
Decrease Our Production of Waste
43% of UI waste diverted from the landfill
70% more waste diverted from the landfill than in 2010
18% decrease in total waste produced on UI campus
Reduce the Carbon Impact of Transportation
100% of CAMBUS transit bus fleet powered by clean-diesel technology
~20 million single occupant vehicle miles reduced through the U-PASS Program
8% increase in U-PASS membership since 2016
75% of public parking facilities with electric vehicle charging stations
Increase Student Opportunities to Learn and Practice Principles of Sustainability
387 students granted the Sustainability Certificate, 4th most awarded certificate
7 students currently enrolled in the new Sustainability Science major, launched in fall 2019
The UI Sustainability Science major is:
one of only five offered in the Big Ten
only one in the Iowa Regents University group
Over $44,000 of sustainability-related work supported through the UISG and GPSG Green Initiatives Fund — a funding opportunity for sustainability initiatives created in 2014
Support and Grow Interdisciplinary Research in Sustainability‐focused and Related Areas
Over $135 million in funding for sustainability research awarded to UI campus
$269,500 granted for Undergraduate Sustainability Research Fellowships
118 students awarded Sustainability Research Fellowships
$18 million in external funding awarded to members of the Water Sustainability Research Cluster
1,489 sustainability research publications by UI faculty and research professionals
Develop Partnerships to Advance Collaborative Initiatives, both Academic and Operational
188,800 hours contributed by faculty and students and 51 Iowa communities supported via the Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities
$97 million in funding secured by the Iowa Flood Center for investments in flood risk mitigation efforts in Iowa watersheds
$1,200 spent on local food and products via the UISG farmers market voucher program
UI Housing & Dining works with over 20 local Iowa farmers, orchardists, growers, and vendors to purchase local foods and dairy to provide fresher, better-tasting foods and limit our environmental impact. Annual sales >$900K.